A JGP é uma tradicional gestora de recursos e de patrimônio brasileira com escritórios no Rio de Janeiro e em São Paulo. Nosso compromisso de longo prazo é aliar retornos consistentes com o gerenciamento de risco ativo, visando preservar o capital investido por nossos investidores.

Alexandre de Oliveira Muller

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Partner and portfolio manager responsible for JGP’s private credit funds. Previously, he worked at Banco UBS Pactual and was a partner at Banco BTG Pactual (2007-2014), where he led the Credit Research team focused on Latin America. He received awards from Institutional Investor For analysis in the corporate debt segment and credit strategy for five consecutive years. Alexandre Muller was also part of the private credit asset management team at Icatu Hartford Asset Management (2003-2007), contributing to the development and management of some of Brazil’s first investment funds focused on private credit. He graduated in Economics from UFF (Fluminense Federal University) and holds extension courses in the Development of Cultures focused on innovation and an executive education program at Harvard Business School.