ESG Leadership with Innovation and Expertise
Our contribution to the transition to a low-carbon economyOur vision
Since our inception in 1998, the world has undergone significant changes. We believe an investment community must get involved with the sustainability topic to promote an inclusive, equal, and responsible society. Therefore, we are committed to generating a positive impact on the world.
in ESG?
As awareness of environmental and social issues continues to increase, investors recognize the significance of directing their resources to companies that promote sustainable, ethical, and responsible practices. Investments that integrate ESG framework offer an effective way of combining financial goals with personal values, compounding superior returns and impact generation, seeking a sustainable future.
We believe ESG is a front of innovative business opportunities that are still poorly explored in Brazil and around the world. In this context, our country’s biodiversity allows us to be protagonists in the transition toward a low-carbon economy.
ESG Funds
Consistent returns. Significant impact.
Fundo – ESG
About the fund
The Fund consists of a diversified portfolio comprised of corporate and financial debt securities with credit risk in the local market and bonds issued abroad. The fund seeks to finance projects with clear positive externalities, essentially investing in securities specifically intended to be used in climate and social environmental projects. Its portfolio will be a composition of green debentures, SDG-linked bonds, positions in debt of companies classified as Best in Class – top quartile of their respective sector, Green Bonds in the international market and structured debt (primarily using proprietary origination).
These restrictions are related to stricter standards of carbon and water footprints, corporate governance, and social inclusion. Moreover, we intend to engage in the process of integrating ESG for companies that intend to evolve their activities towards more sustainable business and practices.
Superar o benchmark (CDI) no longo prazo.
Target Public
Qualified Investors
Anbima Category
Multimercado Estratégia Específica
Anbima Code
Start date:
Administration fee:
0.75% a.a.
Performance Fee:
Daily, at the closing NAV per share calculated as of the date the proceeds are made available to the fund
Redemptions shall be effected on the first business day after the applicable Conversion Date. The Conversion Date shall occur on the 180th day after the applicable redemption request has been received by the Administrator. Every investment is subject to a 1 year grace period.
Time Limit for Subscriptions/Redemptions
Until 2PM (Brasilia Time)
Transaction Limits
Initial: R$ 100.000,00
Subsequent: R$ 50.000,00
Minimum Balance: R$ 100.000,00
Initial via investment platforms: R$ 10.000,00
Management Fee
Total of 0.75% p.a., being 0.60% administration fee of the feeder fund in addition to 0.15% of the Master fund, applied daily and paid monthly.
Performance Fee
20% of what exceeds the CDI Index. High-Water Mark. Paid annually or upon redemption, whichever comes first.
Tax Classification
Long-Term (Income Tax Regressive Table)
IOF (Financial Transaction Tax)
Incident on applications redeemed (quoted) before the 30th day
Risk Profile
JGP Gestão de Crédito Ltda.
BNY Mellon Serviços Financeiros DTVM S.A.
BNY Mellon Banco S.A.
KPMG Auditores Independentes
Foreign Investments
Up to 40% of the fund’s NAV
Bank Details
Brazilian National Registry of Legal Entities Number (CNPJ): 38.281.372/0001-06
Bank Name: BNY Mellon Banco (17)
Branch Number: 1
Account Number: 4640-0
Informações Complementares
Download hereRelatório Comercial
Download hereRegulamento
Download hereAbout the fund
The Fund’s philosophy is to invest in companies with high levels of corporate governance that consider, in both their strategic decisions and day-to-day operations, the best practices for sustainable development and environmental preservation. To fulfill its sustainable investment mandate, JGP has its own policy, available on its website, which considers the impact that invested companies have or may have on society and the environment. The practices adopted for evaluating the assets that will be subject to investment by the Fund may include, among others: (i) restrictions on investing in certain sectors; (ii) use of proprietary ESG evaluation frameworks in the process of analyzing companies; and (iii) practices to compensate for or reduce adverse impacts on sustainability factors, such as active engagement with invested companies.
The fund seeks to achieve a better risk x return ratio than Ibovespa in the long term, through a Long Only portfolio (net exposure between 85% and 100%) composed of shares from companies that are committed to the concept of sustainability on a daily basis.
Target Public
Qualified Investors
Anbima Category
Ações Sustentabilidade/Governança;
Anbima Code
Start date:
Administration fee:
2.00% a.a.
Performance Fee:
Daily, at the closing NAV per Share calculated as of the first business day after the proceeds are made available to the Fund
Redemptions shall be effected on the second business day after the applicable Conversion Date. The Conversion Date shall occur on the 30th day after the applicable redemption request has been received by the Administrator.
Time Limit for Subscriptions/Redemptions
Until 2PM (Brasilia Time)
Transaction Limits
Initial: R$ 100.000,00
Subsequent: R$ 50.000,00
Minimum Balance: R$ 100.000,00
Initial via investment platforms: R$ 10.000,00
Management Fee
Total of 2.00% p.a., being 1.85% administration fee of the feeder fund in addition to 0.15% of the Master fund, applied daily and paid monthly.
Performance Fee
20% of what exceeds the IPCA+IMA-B 5+. High-Water Mark.
Tax Classification
15%, charged exclusively upon redemption
IOF (Financial Transaction Tax)
Incident on applications redeemed (quoted) before the 30th day
Risk Profile
JGP Gestão de Recursos Ltda.
BNY Mellon Serviços Financeiros DTVM S/A
Banco BNY Mellon S.A.
KPMG Auditores Independentes
Foreign Investments
Up to 20% of the fund’s NAV.
Bank Details
Brazilian National Registry of Legal Entities Number (CNPJ): 35.956.906/0001-69
Bank Name: Banco BNY Mellon – 17
Branch Number: 1
Account Number: 3905-5
Informações Complementares
Download hereRelatório Comercial
Download hereRegulamento
Download hereAbout the fund
The Fund consists of a diversified portfolio comprised of corporate and financial debt securities with credit risk in the local market and bonds issued abroad. The fund seeks to finance projects with clear positive externalities, essentially investing in securities specifically intended to be used in climate and social environmental projects. Its portfolio will be a composition of green debentures, SDG-linked bonds, positions in debt of companies classified as Best in Class – top quartile of their respective sector, Green Bonds in the international market and structured debt (primarily using proprietary origination).
These restrictions are related to stricter standards of carbon and water footprints, corporate governance, and social inclusion. Moreover, we intend to engage in the process of integrating ESG for companies that intend to evolve their activities towards more sustainable business and practices.
Superar o benchmark (CDI) no longo prazo.
Target Public
Qualified Investors
Anbima Category
Multimercado Estratégia Específica
Anbima Code
Start date
Administration fee:
0.75% a.a.
Performance Fee:
Daily, at the closing NAV per share calculated as of the date the proceeds are made available to the fund
Redemptions shall be effected on the first business day after the applicable Conversion Date. The Conversion Date shall occur on the 180th day after the applicable redemption request has been received by the Administrator. Every investment is subject to a 1 year grace period.
Time Limit for Subscriptions/Redemptions
Until 2PM (Brasilia Time)
Transaction Limits
Initial: R$ 100.000,00
Subsequent: R$ 50.000,00
Minimum Balance: R$ 100.000,00
Initial via investment platforms: R$ 10.000,00
Management Fee
Total of 0.75% p.a., being 0.60% administration fee of the feeder fund in addition to 0.15% of the Master fund, applied daily and paid monthly.
Performance Fee
20% of what exceeds the CDI Index. High-Water Mark. Paid annually or upon redemption, whichever comes first.
Tax Classification
Long-Term (Income Tax Regressive Table)
IOF (Financial Transaction Tax)
Incident on applications redeemed (quoted) before the 30th day
Risk Profile
JGP Gestão de Crédito Ltda.
BNY Mellon Serviços Financeiros DTVM S.A.
BNY Mellon Banco S.A.
KPMG Auditores Independentes
Foreign Investments
Up to 40% of the fund’s NAV
Bank Details
Brazilian National Registry of Legal Entities Number (CNPJ): 38.281.372/0001-06
Bank Name: BNY Mellon Banco (17)
Branch Number: 1
Account Number: 4640-0
Informações Complementares
Download hereRelatório Comercial
Download hereRegulamento
Download hereAbout the fund
The Fund’s philosophy is to invest in companies with high levels of corporate governance that consider, in both their strategic decisions and day-to-day operations, the best practices for sustainable development and environmental preservation. To fulfill its sustainable investment mandate, JGP has its own policy, available on its website, which considers the impact that invested companies have or may have on society and the environment. The practices adopted for evaluating the assets that will be subject to investment by the Fund may include, among others: (i) restrictions on investing in certain sectors; (ii) use of proprietary ESG evaluation frameworks in the process of analyzing companies; and (iii) practices to compensate for or reduce adverse impacts on sustainability factors, such as active engagement with invested companies.
The fund seeks to achieve a better risk x return ratio than Ibovespa in the long term, through a Long Only portfolio (net exposure between 85% and 100%) composed of shares from companies that are committed to the concept of sustainability on a daily basis.
Target Public
Qualified Investors
Anbima Category
Ações Sustentabilidade/Governança;
Anbima Code
Start date
Administration fee:
2.00% a.a.
Performance Fee:
Daily, at the closing NAV per Share calculated as of the first business day after the proceeds are made available to the Fund
Redemptions shall be effected on the second business day after the applicable Conversion Date. The Conversion Date shall occur on the 30th day after the applicable redemption request has been received by the Administrator.
Time Limit for Subscriptions/Redemptions
Until 2PM (Brasilia Time)
Transaction Limits
Initial: R$ 100.000,00
Subsequent: R$ 50.000,00
Minimum Balance: R$ 100.000,00
Initial via investment platforms: R$ 10.000,00
Management Fee
Total of 2.00% p.a., being 1.85% administration fee of the feeder fund in addition to 0.15% of the Master fund, applied daily and paid monthly.
Performance Fee
20% of what exceeds the IPCA+IMA-B 5+. High-Water Mark.
Tax Classification
15%, charged exclusively upon redemption
IOF (Financial Transaction Tax)
Incident on applications redeemed (quoted) before the 30th day
Risk Profile
JGP Gestão de Recursos Ltda.
BNY Mellon Serviços Financeiros DTVM S/A
Banco BNY Mellon S.A.
KPMG Auditores Independentes
Foreign Investments
Up to 20% of the fund’s NAV.
Bank Details
Brazilian National Registry of Legal Entities Number (CNPJ): 35.956.906/0001-69
Bank Name: Banco BNY Mellon – 17
Branch Number: 1
Account Number: 3905-5
Informações Complementares
Download hereRelatório Comercial
Download hereRegulamento
Download here
JGP: Environmental Finance’s Investor of the Year 2023
JGP has been nominated “Investor of the Year – Asset Manager category” of the Sustainable Debt Awards, led by Environmental Finance, considered the main green finance vehicle in the world. This award grants recognition to those who stand out by innovating and contributing to the development of the financial markets, with regard to Green, Social and Sustainable Bonds and Loans.
JGP seeks to work on initiatives that foster financial innovation and growth by allocating resources towards ESG strategies, along with financing impact-oriented projects. We are committed to creating financial solutions that combine profitability with sustainable investments.
Responsible Investment
We have a Responsible Investment Policy for all the funds under our management, which takes into consideration the impact that our invested companies have or may have on society and the environment.
Among our practices, we have:
(i) restrictions to invest in certain sectors (“Negative Screening”);
The usage of proprietary ESG frameworks in our equity and debt research processes; and
Active engagement in the improvement of ESG practices of the invested companies.
The Sustainability Committee includes the main shareholder and founder of JGP, André Jakurski, as a participant. The Committee consists of five working groups. One of its duties is to approve the sustainability-related agendas proposed by the Management Group, which comprises partners and employees who play roles in the Management, Analysis, Investor Relations, Compliance, and other departments.
The agendas are based on studies and evaluations carried out by the Working Groups.

and Impact
We are committed to impacting the planet positively, not only in our investment products but also in our actions as a company. For this reason, we have decided to revert part of our ESG strategy funds’ management fee to relevant socioenvironmental initiatives.
Projects supported by JGP:
Projeto Ilhas do Rio develops scientific research that results in essential information for the management of the first Fully Protected Marine Conservation Unit of Rio de Janeiro, the Natural Monument of the Cagarras Islands.
The goal of this project is to provide research data and long-term monitoring for decision-making bodies, aiming to protect the islands in the Rio de Janeiro region, as well as to raise social awareness about the importance of environmental preservation, including through an environmental education program in public schools.
Instituto Ambikira is a social investment platform created by financial market institutions and has the purpose of combating social inequality. It unites the private sector’s strengths and directs them toward empowering transformative projects, especially in the areas of education and social assistance.
The OSB (Brazilian Symphony Orchestra) is one of the projects supported by JGP, with resources directed toward programs that train and popularize concert music to generate social inclusion, education, and environmental preservation. In addition to the Orchestra, OSB is an institution that seeks to democratize access to culture and education, through initiatives such as Conexões Musicais, a project that develops musical education as a tool for social transformation, connected to the most varied economic activities, people, communities and territories.
Read our ESG Policies and Commitments, Reports and Letters, as well as follow our team’s events calendar.