A JGP é uma tradicional gestora de recursos e de patrimônio brasileira com escritórios no Rio de Janeiro e em São Paulo. Nosso compromisso de longo prazo é aliar retornos consistentes com o gerenciamento de risco ativo, visando preservar o capital investido por nossos investidores.

Paulo Gustavo Grahl, CFA, Ph.D.

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Partner and strategist responsible for G7 countries. Previously, he was a director at Credit Suisse New York, responsible for the Latin American countries’ coverage (1998-2003) and served as a senior analyst at Banco de Investimentos Garantia (1993-1998). He holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the Getúlio Vargas Foundation’s School of Economics and Finance (EPGE-FGV), graduated in Computer Engineering from ITA (Aeronautics Institute of Technology), and holds the Chartered Financial Analyst® (CFA) certification.