A JGP é uma tradicional gestora de recursos e de patrimônio brasileira com escritórios no Rio de Janeiro e em São Paulo. Nosso compromisso de longo prazo é aliar retornos consistentes com o gerenciamento de risco ativo, visando preservar o capital investido por nossos investidores.

Márcio Correia

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Partner and lead portfolio manager of JGP’s equity funds. Previously, he was an executive director at Banco UBS Pactual, where he was the co-portfolio manager and head of equity analysis team for UBS Pactual’s proprietary investments in Latin America (2005–2007), an analyst in the Telecom and Airlines sectors at Banco Pactual (2004) and the Telecom, Steel, and Mining sectors at Banco Credit Suisse (2001–2004). He graduated in Aeronautical Engineering from ITA (Aeronautics Institute of Technology).