Active Ownership Report 2023 (English)
We believe that driving companies towards best ESG practices, supporting them in addressing their most critical issues, is the most productive and effective way for their development, as opposed to simply excluding these companies from our investments.
We aim to encourage companies to achieve more responsible paths for their businesses, so they have more structured management processes and are better prepared to handle and mitigate the risks of their activities.
Stewardship activities contribute to creating value for companies through the adoption of good corporate governance practices. The development of the stewardship program is an ongoing movement that encompasses internal and external processes and practices, involving all stakeholders.
Through an active ownership approach, we use our influence as investors to maximize returns and create long-term value, prioritizing systemic objectives and collective efforts to generate concrete results. We encourage collective actions that promote climate stability, sustainable development, and a financial system that supports the real economy.
Engagement is a set of actions that aims to dialogue with an entity to improve its long-term performance on material ESG factors, with the goal of making the company’s business model more sustainable and achieving a more favorable risk-return relationship.
JGP’s overall engagement strategy unfolds into three engagement protocols: Responsive Engagement, Engagement derived from commitments made, and Engagement through our voting policy.
For prioritizing companies to engage with, we take into consideration:
- The percentage of asset participation in the investment portfolio, through the exercise of voting rights;
- The materiality of the topic for the company;
- The relevance of the issue to the Brazilian context.
It is worth noting that the topics discussed in the cases presented in this report do not necessarily summarize the material issues for the mentioned companies but rather the focus topics of engagement. Other material subjects not discussed in these engagements are addressed through other monitoring, reporting, and verification mechanisms at JGP.